The I-gel has a series of benefits that make it attractive as an extra glottic airway (EGA). This podcast reviews the paper that will be in the Journal of Special Operations Medicine and discusses the role of EGAs in the pre-hospital environment and why the I-gel is preferred.
PJs- pls send a check to the Pararescue Foundation and do a fundraiser once a year. Chief (RET) Jones is expanding the services and needs your support.
Doc Menon is an AF Flight Surgeon with prior OEF deployments with Moffet, and a NASA Crew Surgeon. He discusses his background with experience on Mt Everest and in Haiti after the earthquake, and how they impact how he thinks about care in Space and other low resource, austere environments.
He then gives us an overview of what happens to humans in space from a medical and physiological perspective, as well as what PJs should expect when you pull an Astronaut out of the capsule.
Finally, we get a brief operational overview of the coming space mission.
This concise discussion contains good intel for SA for the Space Recovery Mission.
Look into the Pararescue Foundation for the March winter retreat and ski tour for Operators in need of decompression and reconstitution.