Doc Hill is the COO of Columbia University Hosptial, part of the NY Presbyterian system. She was previously the Chair of Anesthesiology at Emory University. Her leadership experience is vast and varied. She was also the Executive managing the response to COVID at Columia University here in NY, of which SOF Medics were part, under her direction.
In this episode we cover the qualities of a high performing team and some nuances of the leadership role.
More to follow on this topic.
Thanks very much to Doc Hill for her time and expertise, and previous support in the education of PJs and SOF Medics.
This episode is an intro to basic concepts regarding radiation and nuclear weapons based on radiation science. It will give PJs and SOF Medics the basic vocabulary, concepts and principles from which to approach this daunting subject.
This podcast will serve as an intro to issues related to casualty response and responder safety in resposne to such an event and give you the basic knowledge to understand later discussions on the topic.
Learn about radiation, ionizing vs non ionizing, fusion vs fission, the difference between an atom or nuclear bomb vs. a thermonuclear bomb, and more.