Doc R was a Ranger turned Emergency Medicine Doc- went on to become a Ranger Bat and SOAR Bat Doc, then SOAR Med Director.
Great story, discussion of memorable missions and lessons learned. Then we focus on tips for medics, med directors and in flight medical operations.
Doc R shares his unique perspective as a Ranger turned SOF Doc with insightful advice and mentorship.
Doc R can now be found training various SOF Teams.
Background intel presented re: change proposals for advanced airway management and sTBI.
This is background only, no changes have been made for TCCC guidelines on this yet.
Continue to use current guidelines or your med director's guidance.
Keto, paleo, traditional, etc.
Sam reviews the different options that are popular now.
in the end, try to eat real food. Reduce or eliminate processed food and refined sugar.
More to follow later...