Supporting the National Park Service on Denali during the spring climbing season is a great experience and can lead to good training. You can set this up trough the 212th. In this podcast one of our PJs discusses his 2016 patrol and a series of cases including a helo exfil. Enjoy hearing about the missions and review of cold weather and mountain ops.
In part 2 Doc Chung discusses ventilator issues, wound care and escharotomy, special circumstances including chemical, electric and steam injuries. NOTE: a lot of information relevant to our mission such as a maritime response, where we get to the patient 24-48 hours after injury, where there is no real guidance, is discussed and revised.
In light of last week's Moody jump mission in the Atlantic, we are doing a more in-depth discussion on burns. Burns are one of the top three injuries that teams perform maritime rescue for. Doc Chung also served as a telecon consultant for our ROC Doc.
In Part 1 of 2 with Doc (LTC) Chung, he reviews pain control, fluids and airway management. Doc keeps his comments focused on our gear and meds and makes it specific to PJ capes. Enjoy a great talk.