This podcast introduces Sean Berman who has performed medical research on stem cells and TBI. Stem cells hold promise in the treatment of various injuries and degenerative conditions and have been used by several clinics.
Sean will explain the science of stem cells and specifically stem cells harvested from a patient's own fat.
This is the first of several podcasts that will introduce you to stem cells, the state of current understanding and use, the promises and what is known. The podcasts will culminate in discussions with PJs who have gone for this therapy.
The reference for the paper is:
Effective Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury in
Rowett Nude Rats with Stromal Vascular
Fraction Transplantation
Sean Berman 1,*, Toni L. Uhlendorf 2, Mark Berman 1 and Elliot B. Lander 1
Brain Sci. 2018, 8, 112; doi:10.3390/brainsci8060112
Highlights of the Special Operations Medical Scientific Assembly- Part 1 of 2. Great meeting.
Being a member of SOMA (Special Operations Medical Association) should be part of your professional and medical development for a special operations medic / 18D , IDC or PJ. Attending this annual meeting is an important chance to network with colleagues from the other branches, hear lessons learned and subject matter experts. Like using a foley in a wound track for hemorrhage control...