Ish had a long career doing missions and and has spent the last decade and a half thinking about the technical aspects of Rescue, what it means to be a PJ, how does rescue fit into the DOD mission set, and ends with an unplanned discussion of being on the X when you least expect it.
Ish has had an important impact on PJs and tech rescue.
SW reviews the highlights of the meeting including PJ combat medic presentation.
Go to to learn about a great meeting in Norway for mil resuscitation.
Try to attend the 2017 Special Operations Medical Association Scientific Assembly to network with SOF and learn from SOF.
21-25 MAY in Charlotte
Doc Smith is an Emergency Medicine Doc in Jackson, WY, member of the Teton SAR team and Med Director,NPS Doc, wilderness med consultant, and LTC in the US Army Reserves. He is one of the most experienced Wilderness Medical Providers around with lots of real world experience.
In this first of a series of wilderness medical podcasts, Doc Smith discusses a rescue after a lightning strike and MCI, and then reviews medical aspects of lightning strikes.
You can find and contact Doc Smith at
Detailed minutes can be found on the NREMT website and in the JSOM.
Thanks to Capt (RET) Butler for permission to do this.
Doc Paynter is an orthopedic surgeon and Flight Doc for the 212th RQS. He previously was a full time AF Orthopedic Surgeon at Elmendorf. In this first of a series of discussions, Doc Paynter discusses injuries of the shoulder and general management issues. Doc P has a unique perspective as both a FS and orthopedic surgeon who is experienced with PJs and CROs.
Injuries of the bone, labrum, biceps, rotator cuff and joint are discussed with an emphasis on those injuries that are more commonly seen in operators.